Desi Bridget Jones Diary

Love, Life, Relationships and a touch of the Divine!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Absence DOES make the heart grow fonder

I have been vindicated! And by that too by none less than the New York Times!
Desi Brigit Jones would always tell her friends that when she got married, she’d like to still keep her own apartment while he lived in his own apartment – maybe on a separate floor or nearby. To which of course, everyone twittered like I was mad. Well, evidently many people are doing just that according to this article, "Living apart together", and are the better off for it.

I think it makes a lot of sense; I’ve lived bulk of my adult life alone and I enjoy my space. I currently stay in a 1600 square feet, 3 bedroom apartment and fill up every little bit of space. To have another person stay with me would make things a little cramped. Besides, it’s nice to come back after a long day’s work and not have to make conversation with another human being; I’d rather lounge on my couch with a glass of wine and watch ‘Gray’s anatomy’ or ‘Sex in the City’ to unwind.  Can you imagine me doing that with a man around? First of all, an Indian man would probably be glued to the TV watching Cricket – which means either we compromise or we get another TV or better still he gets another apartment so that I get some peace and quiet when the country comes to a standstill when an important cricket match is being played (and they’re all important!). 

On an aside, that’s the nice thing about sports especially in a country like India that is divided so much by language, religion and caste. When it comes to cricket, everyone forgets those divisions and rallies around the nation. Two years ago, when the world cup was being played with India in the finals, I remember taking a cab ride in Calcutta and listening in amusement as the Hindu cab driver and my reserved cultured Catholic uncle animatedly discussed India’s last game. And in the evening, the entire streets were filled with revelers from all walks of life coming together to celebrate India’s victory. Even a non-cricket buff like me was moved and caught up with their enthusiasm.  

But back to the topic – absence indeed does make the heart grow fonder. You can lie in your double bed and pine for your partner and then decide to go down the street to warm his bed – something you’d definitely not do with him snoring beside you (in which case you’d probably slam a pillow on his head to drown out the noise).
Khalil Gibran in his famous poem about marriage said

“Let there be spaces in your togetherness,
And let the winds of the heavens dance between you.
Love one another, but make not a bond of love:
Let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls.
Fill each other's cup but drink not from one cup.
Give one another of your bread but eat not from the same loaf
Sing and dance together and be joyous, but let each one of you be alone,
Even as the strings of a lute are alone though they quiver with the same music.”

I guess for some of us the winds of the heavens need to be able to dance between two separate living spaces so that we ‘quiver with the same music’ when we do meet. 

Thursday, September 19, 2013


So there is no way I’m going to be nominated or even win that blogadda blogging contest that’s on for the best Indian blog in various genres unless I market this blog a little bit more.

As I’m learning in the corporate world, ‘perception’ is everything. My good catholic dad always taught me to keep my head down and work hard saying that the rewards would automatically follow. I realize, he’s probably right – except that the rewards will come my way only in heaven!

Yes, if you want the rewards on earth, you got to promote yourself now.  Like Ted Turner once said: “Early to bed, early to rise, work like hell, and advertise”.  

The social media is a game changer in every way; no longer does seniority make you a more valuable person to the company; a younger individual who is more technically online media savvy is seen as way more valuable.  And social media has got its tentacles into everything including dating! Yes, apparently 1 in 5 relationships start online. 

Well, one lady who can help you with your online dating profile and dating strategy is Lauren Frances; I stumbled onto her during one of the usual marathon online seminars that I’ve signed up for. I’ve listened to so many seminars and talks on dating and love that I can probably give one myself! The only catch is that my love doesn’t seem to be coming anyway near me. Evidently, whatever I hear during these talks is going in through one ear and coming out through the other ear.

So Desi Brigit Jones needs to seriously relook her online dating strategy.  I’m continually meeting nice guys with whom I can be friends with but with whom there is no romantic ‘spark’. In fact the last online beau actually wanted me to be available online on messenger on my phone so that he could ask me real-time for tips on how to impress his date!  Needless to say, he’s off my list of potential mates. 

Sigh... it’s time to advertise myself better in dating and in life.  

Brigit: Now how on earth does a technically ignorant person like me start marketing this blog on social media?  Well, while I can’t advertise, I can pray: “Dear God please let everyone who stops by click on the ‘Vote for me on ‘blogadda’ link on the left hand side of this blog”

God: Amen!

Friday, September 13, 2013

Weekend bantering

Brigit: Have a great weekend! Makes sure to keep the Sabbath day holy! :)
God: You know, for a good catholic girl, you have a wicked sense of humour.

Brigit: I know, I wonder who gave it to me…
God: Touché!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

The art of seduction

So the best way to get around the ‘enemy’ or in this case ‘the target man’ is to understand the way his mind works.  Desi Brigit Jones, being such a late entrant into the dating world and coming from an era that is reminiscent of her grandmother’s world, decided it was time to take tips from her male buddies. What would I do without these gems in my life? Yes, the one thing every single woman needs, in addition to her girlfriends is her best guy friend.  Who else do you call to answer your umpteen questions on dating and man problems but another guy? And thankfully I have more than one man’s brain to chew out on my love problems.

So, my buddy, Baldwin, listens to me whining on about my love interest and responds to my breathless “So what do you think?!” with a cryptic “He’s just trying to get laid, the signs are all there!” Of course, I protest and go on about how this guy has to be the one, because I sense a ‘connection’ and I’m sure he wants a relationship etc. only to call Baldwin a week later to admit he was right all along. “See –I told you so!” is the smug response.  

Then of course is the inevitable advice “Go slow”.  Yes, Desi Brigit Jones came from an era when binary numbers were still the norm – it was either 0 or 1, you liked him or you didn’t and you showed up accordingly.  The modern world has unfortunately moved to ‘fuzzy logic’ so there is no black or white, just varied shades of grey (Fifty shades of Grey to be precise!), as you move along the path from stranger to partner.   
As Baldwin patiently explained to me, “Go Slow” means not responding to his text the moment you get it, never mind that you’ve been looking at your phone for the past 4 hours wondering why he hasn’t responded to you yet.

Last weekend, Baldwin’s response to my exasperated “Why, oh why would he want to watch cricket on a Saturday night instead of go to the movies with me?” was an incredulous “Duh!”

Well, the easy part is the external action (like not responding to his text till after 20 minutes); the tough part is getting my fuzzy brain to think logically. And that is why for an emotional woman, it helps to get a guy’s perspective on the weird things men do in the dating game.
So when Baldwin suggested reading the ‘Art of Seduction’ from, I decided to do just that. Maybe it would help me understand the moves of the current young man who one day sends me dozens of messages that are peppered with subtle and not so subtle innuendos and then goes incommunicado for a full month.  I read the article end to end, not just once but twice!  Hmm - evidently my current love interest, who is funny and confident and cocky has not just read the ‘art of seduction’, he has probably got a PhD on this topic. He is in technical seduction terms ‘a player’.

I must say that while it is a little mortifying to look back and see all the ploys that I fell for, part of me thinks it’s a pity I read this article right now. I was rather enjoying the whole process of being seduced, of being made to believe I was ‘the most interesting and attractive woman’ on planet earth, not to mention intergalactic space.  

Sigh – indeed there is some truth to the old adage “Ignorance is Bliss”. I realize eye opening articles are not so great when you don’t want to have your eyes opened.  Hrmmp!

Brigit: So speaking of seduction, tell me, did Jesus really have something going on with Mary Magdalene? I mean, c’mon there can’t be any smoke without fire and there have been movies and books suggesting such a liaison.

God: Well, I don’t know; Jesus is not the kind of guy who’ll kiss and tell.  

Brigit: Hmm – smart move. That’s my policy too!

Saturday, September 07, 2013


I came across this interesting article: Do men lie for Sex? While it’s an article on finance and other serious stuff, the catchy title got me thinking seriously about the question – Do men lie for Sex?
The answer to that question in Desi Brigit Jones, not so humble opinion is a resounding ‘Yes!’

Now wouldn’t it be fun to think of the most common lies men say and possible hilarious retorts to call their bluff:The most common lie ever said is: I love you.
He: ‘I love you’

Lady 1: ‘So?’

Lady 2: “Thanks, I love me too!”
Lady 3: ‘Hmm – you have excellent taste in women’

Of course if the man is married, add to the first lie, another common lie: ‘My wife doesn’t understand me!’
He: ‘My wife doesn’t understand me!”

Lady 1: “Probably with good reason”

Lady 2: “And why would you expect me to?”
Lady 3: “Poor you! Here – have a Kit Kat!’

Seriously, I mean – c’mon dear Men, when you’re trying to get women into the sack - come up with some better lies. Of course, the thing with lie s is that they’re so insidious that the liar probably doesn’t even realize it’s a lie. Yes, the most dangerous lies are the ones we tell ourselves. Psychologists call them beliefs too.   These are beliefs that have been perpetuated by our culture or early childhood experiences and these beliefs operate in the subconscious. Some common beliefs are like: “I’m not good enough”, “Nothing will work out for me”, “Men are not to be trusted” etc. Fortunately there are other positive beliefs that work in your favor “All things work out for the best”, “The best is yet to come” etc.  
Uncovering these unconscious beliefs and getting to the root of what’s blocking you from getting love in your life is the premise of the “Calling in the One” program by Katherine Woodward Thomas.

 Well, Desi Brigit Jones did buy the ‘Calling in the one” book and I've been plugging through it on and off over the past few months – but ‘The one’ just doesn’t seem to want to come to me!   Hmm... I guess there are a couple more ‘lies’ I need to unravel in myself.
 Brigit: You know what – I like my life as it is, I’m not quite sure I want a man to disrupt it; Is that why ‘The one’ hasn’t found me yet?  
God: Hmmm – I don’t know..
Brigit: That’s a lie! Gotcha! You’re the almighty – you’ve got to know!
God: Until you find the answer for yourself, it will never be true for you and therefore a ‘lie’
Brigit: Now does that mean a lie is my truth as long as I believe it?
God:  Well, it’s written in the bible: “As you believe, so it shall be”  
Brigit: This is very profound; so I create my own reality. Then, what on earth are you doing?!
God: Supporting you create whatever reality you choose.
Brigit: Ok, please send my Prince Charming before the end of the year – and I could do with a better model than the ones’ you sent me till now
God: You will get whoever you believe you deserve.
Brigit: Hrmmp!

Wednesday, September 04, 2013


Ok, now this is a very different post from the usual nature of this blog but then my commitment to myself is to be honest in my writing and some things just cannot be ignored.

It pains me to keep reading in the papers in India of all the atrocities made on women and when I read today about the 5 year old girl who was raped and abused, my heart breaks. When you read such painful stories where the words just can’t be said, writing becomes in a way a form of catharsis.

 I’m aware that I need to keep things in perspective; not all men are beasts. Not everyone is a murderer and the entire world is NOT terrible. I remember the chap on a bicycle who noticed me screaming and running after a man who had groped me on Bangalore’s roads many years ago. This young hero, chased the ‘bad’ guy, knocked him off his bike and would have beaten him black and blue if a nearby lady hadn’t stopped him. I ran up to where my hero and the ‘bad guy’ were and noticed with surprise, how young my gallant hero was; he must have just been in his late teens.

‘Do you want to go the police?’  He asks, looking up rather shyly at me.

 ‘No’ I reply and remembered all the times I have run after other men who have groped me on the roads of Bangalore and when not a soul has helped. I think this incident was in some sense a sign from the universe to a very cynical me (at that point in time) that in the midst of all the darkness in the world, some lights do shine.  After all, it takes just one candle to dispel the darkness in a room.

I keep asking myself when I read painful stories: What do I do? Maybe this is where the answer lies – speaking up when one sees any atrocity happening in the immediate vicinity.  This is an excerpt from a very moving article on domestic abuse: ‘This is a bloke’s issue'.


“Now what psychologist have found is that people don’t fail to intervene because of malice or indifference. What they found is that most people fail to intervene because of simple social anxiety. People become self-conscious: what if no one else helps? What if my appraisal of the situation is wrong? What if my help isn’t wanted? What if people think I’m a busybody?

There’s also the assumption that someday else will help – an assumption that increases with a larger number of bystanders. So what happens is there’s a collective reluctance to act until somebody else has acted. Once somebody has, it becomes the normal thing to do – the barrier to action has been broken.

And that’s my challenge to you: be that circuit breaker. Be that person that says something – again and again and again.

Because if we shrug our shoulders when a sex worker is murdered – or a wife is battered to death, then we’re diminished as a community”


Brigit: Where are you God, when all of this happens?

God: Right beside you

Brigit: Why do you let such painful things happen

God: Free will - my greatest gift to mankind.

Brigit: Essentially you're saying we're responsible for the mess we've made

God: Yes  - but you have the power to do something too. Choice. Free Will - my greatest gift to mankind.

Tuesday, September 03, 2013


So apparently there is a blogging award going on at '' for which I hope to nominate this blog if the powers that be deign that I can register on their site. 

You're apparently meant to 'vote' for the best blog. Should I get 'accepted' on this site ( My blog is currently 'under review')   - do vote for me!

Should I win, I promise to work for the upliftment of downtrodden women and the falling Indian Rupee  - and World Peace... :)


Monday, September 02, 2013

Registering on Blogadda