Desi Bridget Jones Diary

Love, Life, Relationships and a touch of the Divine!

Friday, August 01, 2014

Social Psychology 101

“Many of us who teach and write psychology are driven not only by a love for giving psychology away but also by wanting to help students live better lives-wiser, more fulfilling, more compassionate lives. In this we are like teachers and writers in other fields. “Why do we write?” asks theologian Robert McAfee Brown. “I submit that beyond all rewards . . . we write because we want to change things. We write because we have this [conviction that we] can make a difference. The ‘difference’ may be a new perception of beauty, a new insight into self-understanding, a new experience of joy, or a decision to join the revolution” 
 Indeed, I write hoping to do my part to restrain intuition with critical thinking, refine judgmentalism with compassion, and replace illusion with understanding.”

 -       David G Myers, from his book on Social Psychology

Brigit: I’ve signed up on Coursera for their Social Psychology class and it’s the most fascinating subject ever! This is so cool – free online courses on just about anything.


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