Desi Bridget Jones Diary

Love, Life, Relationships and a touch of the Divine!

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Tyranny of the Should

Well, even if I am the Desi Bridget Jones, I do realize that a part of me thinks I should be writing about more serious corporate stuff – like Mergers and Acquisitions or Black Holes. I do remember the silence that greeted me the other day when a potential suitor asked “What are you reading?”

“Chick Lit” I replied and then realized how embarrassed I felt at saying it aloud. (I was reading Nicholas Sparks and tearing up in the airport). I thought an articulate, well-educated woman in her 40’s should be reading something more profound – even if she was stuck at the airport terminal. She should be reading something   much more impressive like Tolstoy or Nietzsche.

And I should be waxing lyrical about the state of the capital markets or marginalized farmers in Karnataka instead of spewing forth on my escapades with love, dating and relationships. Sigh….

Friday, June 21, 2013

He's just not that into you!

“He’s just not that into you” should be mandatory watching for all single 30 year olds and 40 year olds. It would save us the trouble of ‘oh why he hasn’t called’ and all the other excuses we make for the men who treat us like crap. I read something today – this happens because we ALLOW the men to treat us like crap. Get that – no one ill-treats you unless you put up with it.
Which is why Mr Darcy will dump me and I will still go out and walk him to his car and hug him goodbye and keep hoping that he will call when he says. Nope he will not. Get over it and move on.
The challenge all my life seems to be to listen to what my gut is telling me versus my head. I want him to call back; I want to believe he’s the man that I thought he was. I want to believe that he still likes me and wants to get together with me. But I have to accept that he has more than just clay feet; he has a clay torso and heart too. So that’s it. He’s not the one for you; that doesn’t make him bad or wrong; just not the person for you. And that’s ok.

Conscious Uncoupling

Desi Bridget Jones just got dumped. Yes, dumped and I didn’t even realise it! Talk about being on a different planet; apparently in the dating world there are codes for things eg: if he says he wants a break to figure ‘things out for himself’, that is code for “You’ve just been dumped’.
Sigh, this is what happens when you get onto the dating scene after so long and when you’re in your 40’s it’s like you belong to a different era - A world where people said what they meant and weren’t so polite. They didn’t say “everything is ok” one day and then the next day you fight and he pulls the rug from under your feet – “You’ve been dumped”.
Ah well, after the one week of agonizing ‘ should I call him’ ( The answer to that is “NO”) and whining and howling and feeling sorry for myself, I started reading and listening to whatever I could get my hands on. The bible for all single women who are dating is “He’s just not that into you”. Seriously, it was such an eye-opener except that I’m not so sure I want my eyes opened.  I read the chapter on “break ups” three times before it started to dawn on me that nope, he wasn’t going to call me ever again. That I would have to make my way out of my anger, shame and hurt. First was the anger, then the hurt. Katherine Woodward Thomas in her course “Conscious Uncoupling” talks about getting to the source fracture and healing it first. 
Over the past one month since the breakup, all I’ve been doing is going online and watching videos on dealing with breakups and moving on. I especially liked Katherine Woodward Thomas videos on Youtube. It’s strange how I received the mailer on ‘Conscious Uncoupling” just when I needed it.  Maybe somewhere the Universe is taking care of me; I’m not alone and that is comforting.

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Inner Child

Desi Bridget Jones felt sad, mad, bad all because she couldn’t find a nice lad!
It seemed as if history was repeating itself yet again; she’d fallen for an asshole. The only difference was this time she was able to recognise the fact early on, or rather she paid attention to the little voice inside her that said this man was selfish and was able to dump him without too many qualms.
It seemed like a never ending search; though she wondered if the people she was attracting to her had something to do with her own inner state of being. Oh well, it was frustrating and annoying. She really didn’t want to date anymore. It was time to date her “inner child” as they say in pop psychology, though she didn’t quite know what that meant.
So let me try explaining this concept in layman terms: While we might be chronologically, 41, 51 or even 61, we have an inner emotional self of 5 or 6.  So when you react to something, you’re not always reacting as an adult but from that 5 or 6 year old emotional self or ‘inner’ child. The inner emotional self is the seat of creativity, playfulness and so is an essential part of you. The inner child is the source of intuition and for people who’re heavily left brained and analytical (like me!), the inner child is a part of us that gets ignored.  Getting in touch with your ‘inner child’ is akin to getting in touch with your ‘emotional’ self; the little girl in you.
Orna and Mathew Walters are a “Power couple on love” that I stumbled onto while browsing the net. They talk about scheduling regular “Inner Child” dates – say once a week. According to them, the relationships you have outside of you are reflections of the relationship you have with yourself – so the key to a loving partnership is to first set the relationship right with yourself -  your ‘inner child’.
Orna and Mathew Walters run a series of talks called the “Love on Purpose Revolution” Series wherein they interview 25 – 30 experts over a month. I’ve listened to these talks and have always come away with something new from each speaker. I must say I’ve also been mighty impressed with the calibre of speakers they bring on and so if you’re single or even in a relationship, the “Love on Purpose Revolution” series is a must hear.  
Inner child of mine – speak up! What would you like to do? Make a cake? Yes! That would be fun. Let’s try out that carrot cake recipe!

God: It’s a Monday morning; you need to get to work now

Brigit: I know, but my inner child wants to play today! J

Monday, June 17, 2013

Taking Action

One of the things you realise once you’ve turned 40 is that lighting candles and praying at Infant Jesus church for ‘the one’ to appear will simply not work; you have to take action (i.e. action apart from buying candles and saying the rosary).
The bane of being brought up in a strong catholic environment – the default answer is to turn to God when you need things to be sorted out in your life. I remember once in a desperate mood opening up the bible to the passage from Isaiah which says “The lord shall be like a husband to you’… and I immediately said ‘Thanks God but I prefer someone in real life whom I can hug and hold’.
So that’s how Brigit joined one of the popular match making sites on the net. But then of course, being very shy (and paranoid – what if, God forbid, the folks in office found me on that site?!), no photos were put up. “I want someone who finds me interesting enough based on what I’ve written to contact me first”. And thus began the adventures.
The first chap lets name him Mr K was in his own words ‘tall, dark and handsome’. Well his pictures definitely looked nice and he wrote well; his punctuation was good (you’d be amazed at what bad grammar the average Indian man writes!) and he definitely was witty. Brigit was already in love with him after the first couple of emails, by the end of the first few weeks, she’d walked down the aisle and had a baby (a girl but of course!). Please do note, that all of this was in Brigit’s head; the poor chap had no inkling of his future progeny – for they hadn’t even met!
Well, Mr K after a couple of emails invited Brigit out for coffee at the "Baristas" down the road. Brigit was excited and nervous at the same time; what if, God forbid, he knew someone who knew someone else who knew her colleagues at work! Then the entire office would get to know that she was on a match making site and ‘looking’; it somehow sounded so distasteful. Didn’t most people, after all, bump into the love of their lives somehow – even before the internet was invented? Does that mean something was ‘wrong’ with her? These and a gazillion other thoughts were racing through Brigit’s mind as she changed her outfit, yet again, for her first ‘date’ with Mr “The one”.  
The meeting turned out to be a disaster. Brigit walked in expecting ‘sparks’ and ‘stars’ to fall when she met Mr K. Instead the only thought that came up was how different (read that as much older) he looked from his pictures. Yes, dear reader, the first rule of online matchmaking sites – never believe the pictures. They were probably taken around 10 years ago and are suitably cropped or photo shopped. So you never see the bald pate as the photo is conveniently cut off at the top and neither do you see the big paunch as he’s only got a mug shot posted etc. Do you get the picture, or rather ‘non picture’? 
Needless to say, the one hour passed on mercifully and Brigit slunk back to her apartment completely mortified. For a woman who is very confident at the work place, here she was reduced to a shy, petrified teenager faced with a rock star.  So from being tongue tied and refusing to give her official name and reveal who her employer was, she had pretty much covered whatever could go wrong on a first date. Moral of the story to quote a guru whose newsletters are doing the rounds on the net, Christian Carter’, “Don’t create the instant relationship”.   All the webcasts and newsletters read on this topic seemed to have gone waste as far as Brigit was concerned but the first date ever with an online beau was a turning point.  From now on, Brigit would see each first meeting as a coffee and nothing more. Needless to say, she had to ensure she didn’t get pregnant or wedded in her head in the first few weeks that she met the guy.  Mr K was tall, dark and handsome but he just didn’t do it for Brigit.  Where were the ‘sparks’ that were meant to bless this star studded meeting? Apparently somewhere between the first kid and the baptism, they must have been put out with holy water…

Taking Stock

No. of words written today: 500
No of emails sent to potential suitors:  1
No of times I’ve thought of the unsuitable suitors: Too many to count.

Ah… being the strong singleton after 40 is not easy. The only saving grace is that you haven’t lost all your looks - so yes we do look in the mirror and preen.  After all, who knows how much longer we’ll be able to do so… but knowing us women, we’ll still be preening into the mirror at 90!
The thought of getting onto that online site and being the perky chirpy persona I’ve created for myself frankly feels quite tedious. I’ve anyway created a different profile for myself – I’m a queen no less! I was told by some earlier suitors that ‘Brigit’ conjured up images of straitlaced catholic girls who weren’t fun to be with. I realise Queen Latifah definitely has people writing to her that didn’t write to Brigit so somewhere this must be working!

Genesis: In the beginning there was me!

This is the Desi Bridget Jone’s diary and I am the original Desi Bridget Jones. My name is Brigit and my surname is a version of Jones and I’m Desi! So all you wannabe’s – stay away lest you face my copyright wrath! I’m named after my paternal grandmother in case you’re wondering where I got the name Brigit from.
Well, I first started the Desi bridget Jones diary around 10 years back when I was in my early 30’s – same age as the main character in Helen Fielding’s much publicised book “Bridget Jones Diary”. I was a singleton and identified with the main character – not to mention we shared our names. My first diary was a blog with all my views on women, work and life. It was started mainly because my colleague, Bhasker (Bless him!) couldn’t stand my whining on and on about how corporate life sucked for women. “Why don’t you write it all down?!” he once exclaimed in exasperation and he helped set me up on a blog. And then he got his much needed respite for I poured out all my meandering thoughts onto that blog – which incidentally (ahem!) made it to the Rediffblog’s “sizzling blogs” list. I was extremely touched when people actually read my stuff and said they liked it ( wow!). I’ll never forget the soul ( God bless you wherever you are!) who said he took printouts of my blog to read over the weekend. Needless to say, all those kind people helped me believe that I had something worthwhile to say and said it well – even though I was doing nothing more than sharing my views on life while I searched for “the one” (aka Mr. Darcy).
Well Darcy came with the wedding bells and then left - thank heavens! – As you can see there are a lot of phrases sent to the Big Boss upstairs – put this down to my catholic upbringing that I’ve never quite been able to shake off. But I digress, so here we are 10 years later, I’m in my early 40’s wondering what the heck happened. Where did the happily ever dream that you grew up with as a little girl disappear? And if you’re in India and a woman (God save you!) and if you’re not married (add the archangels to that list of folks to save you!) then you’re a blot on your family honour. As a single woman in the 40's  you’re not just over the hill, you’re over the clouds and knocking on heaven's door!
I needn’t go into the details of all the ways my relatives insinuate that I am “less than” since I’m a single woman even though I’m more qualified and probably earn more than their sons . Ah well, such is the lot of the Indian woman especially in small time towns.
But I digress yet again (I think age is catching up with me!)  - I believe Helen Fielding is writing another Bridget Jones Diary, a sequel – which means this is just the right time for the Desi Bridget Jones Diary to resurface, this time on blogpost. (Why oh why google has thou made life so difficult for tech-ignoramus’ like me?!)
I’m going to share my view of the world and love - seen through my not so rosy colored spectacles. Bridget Jones is single, looking for love (some things never change even after 10 years) and likes to believe she’s smart! (Yes, dear Lord, we will blow our own trumpet once in a while). She has her own share of frailties and in her journey maybe you will find a bit of yourself too.