Desi Bridget Jones Diary

Love, Life, Relationships and a touch of the Divine!

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Tweet, Tweet, here I come!

So I’ve finally managed to get over my technophobia and join the bandwagon of social media. Twitter it is I say!

When I was growing up, a ‘Twit’ was another word for an idiot – well I’m realizing that in today’s world if Desi Brigit Jones is not on social media, she indeed is a Twit.  So here’s to pouring another glass of wine for my first foray into Twitterdom.

What got me interested in Twitter today was the shocking tragic death of Sunanda Pushkar, wife of Indian minister Shashi Tharoor and the preceding fiasco that place on Twitter.  Can an online affair become more enticing than an offline marriage?

I’m curious, how ‘real’ are our lives now anyway. What is more real – my online persona or the regular boring mundane life I lead. I guess that’s what makes social media so fascinating; there’s a whole enticing world out there that just draws one out of one’s cubbyhole in real life.  In online relationships, you don’t know the ‘real’ person, just their delicious online avatar.  And truth be told, Desi Brigit Jones would rather fantasize being with an online ‘George Clooney’ than with a partner whom you see in the morning in pajamas and with gunk on their eyes.  However, while the online ‘distance’ kind of keeps the mystery going, a real relationship can only be built offline. Sigh…Bye, bye George Clooney!

Also, in the biblical sense of the word, one cannot ‘know’ a person virtually (at least not yet… God knows what will happen in the future with technology and 3D!).

Jonathan Ashley is a dating coach who propounds social media like Facebook, as the latest dating tool. Move over and; Facebook it is.  In fact, Jonathan met his partner, relationship expert Dr. Shery Myers on facebook and they’re now living happily ever after – offline.  

Jonathan offers a series of tips on how to “Understand Men Now” which I have signed up for and that I read each day as part of my morning prayers. I have so far received 50 such emails and am still not able to fathom the not so fairer of the species. Guess I am a twit after all.

Brigit: You know - I’m through with trying to understand men. I want a man who will understand ME – the temperamental behavior, the moodiness and the eccentricity which I believe is a sign of genius’ – never mind that no one else sees it that way. Surely that’s not impossible?

God: Hmmm…

Brigit: What?! That’s all you have to say! So it’s true – you are a man after all. 


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